Monday, May 5, 2008

COD4: Online Idea

Online Currency
---Let's say you'd like to enter Prestige mode, but you just don't want to "start over." How about this...

You play each game for XP/score and Bank. Your XP can never be lost, as it is there for statistical purposes.

Your bank is based off the amount of XP you gain from every match and challenge. Earn 100 XP, you earn 100 bank. So, how can the bank be used?

Why not trade it for Prestige? 125,000 bank nets you Prestige 2. Multiply it out for 3,4, etc. Simply put, a player could stay at level 55 and earn a Prestige icon next to his name without going into Prestige Mode.

Perhaps an in-game store where you can buy new weapons, perks, camo, and new suits for your character.

402/Infinity Ward, everything I've said is too good to be true unless you make it happen.


1 comment:

Crackbaby said...

The only problem with that is... why prestige if you don't have a 55 saved up?