Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Project I: The (Vampire) RTS

Title: Ignited Coalition

Story: Transylvania University is an accredited institution that has been around for nearly a century. Its commitment to offering education to local villagers and vampires has earned the school many awards and maintained a healthy relationship amongst its students. In the late 1700s, governor Samuel von Brukenthal (link) is the honored guest speaker to a graduating class. During his speech, the university is set ablaze, killing everyone inside.

After days of mourning and investigation, authorities schedule a meeting at the town hall. Locals are enraged and demand justice brought forth on the arsonist. Authorities then unveil the full details of their investigation, citing 3 suspects with possible motives each.

Which brings the game to you, the Arsonist. All that stands between you and Transylvania is the army you can produce by nightfall.

The game is divided into two components - day and night. During the daytime, you build your castle and offensive units (humans). At night, you prepare those offensive units to attack an opposing force while simultaneously building defensive units (night creatures) for your castle.

Each full game period is set in a 24 hour (in-game) interval and can be customized in full. Examples are as follows:

-Player can change the interval based upon custom timings. The 24 hour clock can be a full day in real-life or even an hour (IRL).

-The hours of day and night can be adjusted. A player can set 15 of the hours in-game as daytime, 9 at night.

-Players can plan a battle to last for a maximum of 7 days (in-game). Each day of the week can be adjusted as illustrated above.

-Players can utilize the online "Weather.com" feature to use local day/night hours in game.

In terms of battle, the game defaults to a free-for-all of 4 players.

Playable Characters:
The Governor's Wife
  • Customization Options
    • Female character only
    • Physical attributes (height, weight)
    • Clothing options
  • Traits - mob units receive attack bonus
Dracula Von Bloodlust (former T.U. student)
  • Customization Options
    • Male or Female
    • Physical attributes (height, weight)
    • Clothing options
  • Traits - night-creatures receive defense bonus
Deputy Archfiend (local authorities)
  • Customization Options
    • Male character only
    • Physical attributes (height, weight)
    • Clothing options
  • Traits - ability to produce units quicker coupled with faster unit movement

-Fully customizable button-mapping
-Exponential control option
-Support for voice controls

Experience and Leveling:
Humans and Night-Creatures
  • Unit Leaders
  • Training for leaders and groups
    • Stipulation - the leader must always be ranked higher than the group
  • 5-point ranking system
    • Groups can train in skills such as movement and attack

Humans - Torchers, Catapults, Archers, Pitchforks, Spears, Clubs, Axemen
Night Creatures - Vampires, Bats, Werewolves


Another term of college has officially concluded. Another summer has finally arrived.

I'm back.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Guild list?

So it is now 3:30 in the morning and I'm actually sitting back looking over my aim list and how its actually broken down by guild... keep in mind the average daoc guild has about 8-10 other people and the average wow guild has about 40+ so lets play take a guess at how many people are on the altagrave screen name! Severed, Actus Reus, Solarius, Palodox, Tui Visio, Bhailigh Forsai, Toin Pulc, Eulogy II, Fist of the Mimir (FOTM), Lucidity (WoW), Armed & Dangerous (WoW), Adrenaline (WoW), We Are Kinda Awesome (WoW), Punch Him in the PvPness (WoW), Amnesty (WoW). Kinda strange to think the number of people I've met through gaming alone these past 6 years, yet have never actually me them face to face. I guess the point to all of this is this a common trend with the online era? Is it to be expected with this new electronic age to not even know what your friends actually look like now? Go go random 3am logic!