Sunday, June 1, 2008

Guild list?

So it is now 3:30 in the morning and I'm actually sitting back looking over my aim list and how its actually broken down by guild... keep in mind the average daoc guild has about 8-10 other people and the average wow guild has about 40+ so lets play take a guess at how many people are on the altagrave screen name! Severed, Actus Reus, Solarius, Palodox, Tui Visio, Bhailigh Forsai, Toin Pulc, Eulogy II, Fist of the Mimir (FOTM), Lucidity (WoW), Armed & Dangerous (WoW), Adrenaline (WoW), We Are Kinda Awesome (WoW), Punch Him in the PvPness (WoW), Amnesty (WoW). Kinda strange to think the number of people I've met through gaming alone these past 6 years, yet have never actually me them face to face. I guess the point to all of this is this a common trend with the online era? Is it to be expected with this new electronic age to not even know what your friends actually look like now? Go go random 3am logic!

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