Friday, July 25, 2008

Dark Knight review

I am one man in a sea of a million bloggers who are likely writing a review about Dark Knight as you read this. I don't know if what I can say will be more or less enlightened, or if it will merely come off as the ramblings of a mad douche.

Dark Knight is a perfect movie.

Fuck what anyone else says. Fuck if anyone thinks I am saying this because it is expected to like this movie. In fact, if anyone likes this movie JUST because of Ledger, or JUST because people tell you that you have to like it, then fuck you to.

Here are a few names other than Ledger that made this a perfect movie:

Morgan Freeman
Michael Caine
Aaron Eckhart
And especially Gary Oldmen

If you don't understand why Bale and Maggie aren't listed, then you don't know movies to well. Bale delivers a usable Batman, I like the guy! Really! But in Bat-Mode whenever he tries to sound intimidating it just sounds like a smokers cough through a shit covered rag. The fact that they allowed him to go around in a bat costume yelling out unintelligible jargen like, "Whhhhherreere AAhhhrrreeee Thhhheeeeeeyyyeyeye?!?!". Though I do really like his portrayal of Bruce Wayne, not gonna lie. The on screen chemistry between Alfred and Bruce is fantastic in both movies. So don't get me wrong... he is a good actor. He is just forced into bad dialogue. Maggie only proved the fact that the Rachael character was interchangable. It didn't really matter who said her lines. It's like it was merely neccesary for her words to fall across the screen and give anyone else a break between actual acting. You could have had generic actress A or B in said part and the results would have been the same.

Those are my ONLY complaints with the movie. And if that is all? Then what you have on your hands is a damn perfect movie. This film kept all of the great chemistry of the first one, and brought it in spades. One powerful scene after another, witty dialogue delivered perfectly on Ledgers behalf, acting that left me breathless, schocked, frightened and enlightened all in one film.

The strong influence by the Alan Moore's story Batman: The Killing Joke is evident in Ledgers portrayal of the Joker. And it was only until after seeing this movie the first time did I truly mourne the loss of Mr. Ledger. I have come across his works before in a merely dabbling sense, but this was the first role of this that touched me. It felt like Ledger was lost deep in that role, and I can hope that maybe somewhere he knows that he brought to life a creature on screen that has really changed how people view comic book movies.

I can only say that this movie stands up to many multiple viewing, at full price at the theater. And being a cheap guy, that is really hard for me to find a movie I like this much. This is a must see, must buy, must worship film. It will change how you see comics, and comic book films.

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