Monday, April 28, 2008

COD4: Tip of the Day

The letter "M" by itself is harmless. Coupled with the number 16, however, it's lethal.

And gay.
I'm talking about the M-16: the most discussed weapon in Call of Duty 4. Of all the Assault Rifles, it is the best in accuracy, damage, range, and recoil. Only one burst and you're dead.

Some say that there is no way to beat this gun. I say, "Fuck them." Yes, I'm going to show you (multiple) ways to beat the M-16.

  • Quit
    • The easy way out. Save yourself the misery and move on.
  • Fight Fire with Fire
    • Pull out the M-16 yourself or pick one up.
  • Fire on Top of Fire?
    • Juggernaut. [*Caution: known side effects include sucking dick and interior decorating]
  • Embarrassment
    • Equip the most "noob" class ever. I mean, "MP44 with Bomb Squad and Eavesdrop." All it takes is one kill with this setup and magically, the opposing player will disappear.
  • Teamwork
    • It may take 3 of you to kill that 1 guy with an M-16, but the job was finished.

So that's it! Now, go show 'em who's straight!


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