Sunday, April 6, 2008

'Til (Red Ring of) Death Do Us Part...

Microsoft's Xbox 360 has some serious step climbing if it wants to (continue?) come out on top. For the most part, what Microsoft is doing is being done right; but damn it, even the prettiest of girls need make-up sometimes.

My brain is being lazier today than usual - I can't even count the blinking red lights on my 360 (kidding)...

...Now a minute and a half later, I've realized that what each console needs is some f***ing POWERTHIRST. I'm not saying that Nintendo needs a Wii-mote made of biceps or that Sony needs a processor made from a spinning wheel and Kenyans; but...nevermind, that processor idea rocks.

With the lack of a hardcore announcer and some illustrations, I'll just do this the old-fashioned, semi-editorial way:

  • Redo the multiple 360 SKUs, again.
    1. Get rid of the "Core" package.
    2. Price drop the "Pro" to $299 and the Elite for $399. Each comes packaged with a copy of Lego Star Wars II (read).
    3. Simply bundle the "Limited" Halo Edition it with a copy of Halo 3 and maintain the price tag of $399.
  • Microsoft should buy Clover Studios (now PlatinumGames)
    1. MS' portfolio of Xbox 360 games includes Crackdown and Forza Motorsport 2. Those of you who say otherwise need to learn about this thing called, "exclusivity."
    2. Okami was easily one of the best games on PS2. Those eager fans who ironically have yet to make a next-gen console purchase, will flock to the 360 knowing that behind the shadows of Gears of War and Mass Effect lies a gem from Clover.
  • Utilize the acquisition of Rare, Ltd.
    1. Awesome games are not being made any more. Fix it. Please.
    2. Use the Rare license to spawn sequels of known, awesome games (like Banjo-Kazooie and Conker) to free up development for new (IPs) first-party titles.
  • Put my money where your "organization" is!
    1. As cool as the Fall Update was, there's still some things left to sort out. It's frustrating scrolling through 400 (or so) games with the absence of a "Sort" feature.
    2. Make each background (per blade) customizable. Some people actually paid for a theme - it would be nice to grant them the ability to put images where they see fit.
  • Find the middle-ground between Microtransactions and your consumer base.
    1. My proposal is a one-time, annual fee for unlimited Marketplace downloads for movies, music, and television. Now it's a matter of finding a price point. Another $20 a year can be more than a steal.
    2. Both Gears of War and Halo 3 have accomplished the "free content...after (insert date here)." This needs to become a standard for games. Now all you have to do is find, wait for it...another medium! How about 120 days?
  • Perform (monthly) price-checks and changes on Xbox Live Arcade titles.
    1. The best-sellers shouldn't be in the Bargain Bin. Come to think of it, "Bargain Bin" is just a nice way of saying, "This game sucks - even for $5."
    2. Expansion packs for arcade games should follow suit to the second bulleted item listed above. I'm not paying the 100 (whatever) points for my extra costumes for 3D Mini Golf. Come to think of it, I don't know anyone who would.
  • WILD CARD: New Game Fuel.
    1. Halo 3 Game Fuel (from Mountain Dew) was bad ass...and history repeats itself.
    2. Well, then Halo 3 would suck! Oh, wait a minute.
    3. Look - Gears of War 2 is out this November. I can see it now..."Gears of War Fuel: Now available in CHAINSAW!"

Not entirely "new," I suppose.

Thank you, Nintendo. Now get to the bullpen.

Coming up next...


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