Monday, April 7, 2008

Houston, Wii Have a Problem...

Wii-make (n.)
- A slang used to describe a video game (or series of such) that has been redone or reworked to play on the Nintendo Wii. Typically used in derogatory fashion, Wii-makes are often used to "milk franchises" and/or are viewed as "Garbage from 360/PS3."

For every word in this sentence, I can find a Nintendo "Wii-make."

Big Brain Academy, Destroy All Humans, Fire Emblem, House of the Dead, Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Strikers, Okami, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Resident Evil 4, and Wario Ware

who am I to argue? The Nintendo Wii is still selling at the speed of light, their software developers are amazing (Godlike?) in the midst of out-running(?) Microsoft and Sony.

Previously, I stipulated that for each of my "Next/New-Gen" blogs, each console was grated only one freebie in the Flame War(s). Well, f**k that. I'll take as many cheap shots at Nintendo as I want.

Let's begin...

  • Online service needs a makeover - badly.
    1. Voice chat in any online multiplayer game is no longer an option, it's necessary.
    2. Out with friend codes - the only numbers that should be in your online name are 420 and 69.
    3. Still concerned about the well-being of your audience? Start with an online service charge, give us a quick-mute (voice) option, and sell headsets to people 18 and up.
  • There is a place for all of those mini-game compilations.
    1. The trash.
    2. Take every one of those developers and have them work on finding those last-minute bugs/glitches in a soon-to-be-release game; or form a NEW development team and put them to work on a BRAND NEW game/series.
  • Reinvent the term "Killer App."
    1. It's disturbing that (virtually) every Wii owner thinks the only game on the console is Wii Sports. This is a terrible realization because those (every) Wii owner won't buy any software thinking they've already got the best title.
    2. Smash Brothers isn't your saving grace. Neither is Wii Fit. (O RLY?)
    3. The point is that people need to start buying the Wii for its game library, not its Nintendo Fanboy base. Having AAA-quality titles seriously helps the cause.
  • Fulfill your promises!
    1. Such as bundling a Wii Zapper feat. "Link's Crossbow Training" with your console.
    2. Your online act is as together as these guys. When I have to make an account with EA in order to "experience" and play one of their (Wii) games online, you should send me a rope to hang myself.
  • Forgiveness starts with...
    1. Rechargeable battery packs that comes standard with each console.
    2. Elite Beat Agents - port it to the Wii. Yes, I'm aware of my own contradiction, but with the impending release of Wii Fit, this would be a great way to attract some of those "hardcore" gamers.
    3. Players' choice titles. Hi, Zelda! Could I interest you in a new price tag? Say, $19.99?
  • Better Control Options
    1. Custom sensitivity being a standard for each game.
    2. Classic controller support being a (you guessed it), standard as well.
    3. GameCube controller support for each Nintendo-made game.

There you have it, Nintendo - the Aces up your sleeve. Wanna take me to Vegas? This time, we'll ditch my date with Microsoft.

Sony steps up to the plate,

Coming up next...


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