Monday, April 14, 2008

Live Blogging - Idiots Next to Me

The following is a conversation of these two retards (morons, dumbasses, etc.) sitting next to me in the Computer Lab...

Woman: So what classes you be takin'?
Man: Man, like all of 'em.

Woman: Like Maf' and shit?
Man: I dunno, I ain't even registered yet.

Woman: When you gettin' signeded up?
Man: I think today, I not sure.

Woman: Ahh, dats coo'.
Man: I guess. Wutchu be needin'?

Woman: Well I just switched my major to Business.
Man: Oh, why's dat?

Woman: Cuz of my pregnancy and shit.
Man: Dats coo'.

Woman: Where da' baf-room a'?
Man: Shiiiiiiiit...

Woman: Let's go find it and prin' dis shi' oww.
Man: A'ite.


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